The Department of Agriculture Animal Population Program
Low Income Voucher Program– The Dept. of Agriculture . Please visit their website directly for all updated information regarding the States Program. Both English and Spanish applications found by scrolling down to “LOW-INCOME PROGRAM.” Please follow directions on the application for where to send it once completed. For questions regarding this program, please contact: or by calling 860-713-2507.
Other programs offered by The Department of Agriculture:
FERAL CAT GRANT PROGRAM: A program to assist non-profit rescue groups with the sterilization and vaccination of feral cats and administered by the APCP.
MUNICIPAL POUND PET PROGRAM: Vaccination and sterilization benefits for any dog or cat adopted from a municipal impound facility in Connecticut (Town/City Animal Controls) that has not be previously spayed or neutered. Program goals are to reduce pet overpopulation, reduce the spread of rabies and other diseases through immunizations, and subsequently increase the effectiveness of local Animal Control Departments through education and law enforcement.