If you are feeding outside cats, Spay Connecticut strongly urges you to spay and neuter them. We endorse TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) for feral cats as the most effective and humane method for controlling and caring for feral cat populations. Feral cats are almost never happy indoors, and have very little chance of being adopted. Relocating feral cats is always the very last option that should be considered. Feral cats are the offspring of lost or abandoned cats who are not fixed. When these cats are not socialized by humans, they do not easily adapt, or may never adapt to life as a pet.

Feral Cat Resources

Spay/Neuter Services

Please search our online directory for a list of clinics that offer feral cat spay/neuter programs. Some have humane traps that can be borrowed with payment of a deposit, and some will provide assistance with or training for trapping.

Feral Cat Information

For general information about feral cats, how to conduct TNR, and how to care for feral cat colonies, visit:

National Listing of Feral Cat Organizations

Please check the Humane Society of the United States listing of Feral Cat Organizations for groups in your area.

Why TNR?

It is proven...

TNR has been proven to be the most effective way to reduce the number of feral cats over the long-term because it stops the breeding. Evidence shows that trap and kill programs are not effective ways to control feral cat populations.

It saves lives...

Feral cat caregivers who did not create the overpopulation issue but rather respond to it, are able to preserve and protect the lives of the cats without adding to the problem. These caregivers monitor the colonies so that any newcomers can be humanely trapped and spayed/neutered.

It helps communities...

The negative impacts of unaltered cats is greatly reduced through TNR. No late night yowling, smelling male cat urine, or kittens!

For more information, visit Alley Cat Allies' Why Trap-Neuter-Return page!

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